Sunday 8 June 2014

You can see from the front page of our school website that we've been a bit busy 'inside' our school…  The final weeks of school are always wonderful, and this year is no exception: Field trips, Spring Musical, celebrations, final assemblies, welcoming new kindy parents, and preparing to say goodbye to our departing Grade 7's and their parents.

There is evidence on the site that the surrounding walls on the exterior of the building are going up... and as we stand inside our little school, it's hard to believe that the view that we see of the trees on 7th Avenue will disappear over the coming months. There is much cement being poured, and I have developed a whole new appreciation for the complexity, and physicalness of setting a building on its foundation.

Photos courtesy of Yellowridge Construction.

Line A ready to place concrete

Forms up and ready to place on A line

Electrical future underground work in basement

Walls in place at D8 corner

Mechanical and Electrical office storage area