This is the first of what will be many blog postings over the course of the construction of our new school at St. Augustine and some of the wonderful stories that happen around school in our everyday life. We hope that by opening up our amazing story to a much broader community, many more people will come to know of our story, connect with its purpose and become committed to supporting us with their prayers and actions.
In this first post, I'd like to provide our readers with the back-story of our project, update the current status, and provide a sense of what is to come ...
The back story ...
Familiar to many of you is our history story - for those of you new to us, this might help. In 1911, through the leadership and vision of the Oblate Fathers and the work of the Sisters of St. Ann, St. Augustine School and Parish began. For nearly 43 years, our first building stood on the corner of 7th and Arbutus, and was a landmark in the Kitsilano community. By l954, our original building was replaced with the simple current school, meant from the very beginning to be "temporary". Now, 59 years later, we have the plans in place to build a whole new facility that will meet the needs of our students, our Parish, and where possible, the broader community.
In 1999, our then Pastor, Fr. John Brioux, OMI, made the courageous decision to allow for the investigation into the possibility of a new school, and over the course of the past 14 years, much has transpired to bring this dream into reality. Pastors Fr. Gordon Cook, OMI, and our current Pastor, Fr. Terry McNamara, OMI have been and continue to be committed to seeing our new School built.
Through the generous sacrificial giving of many people, it became apparent about 24 months ago that Through the generous sacrificial giving of many people, it became apparent about 24 months ago that sufficient initial funds were available to allow for many things to transpire, including the engagement of the Parish leadership and the Archdiocese, seeking approval to begin the significant task of creating a plan to show evidence of financial feasibility and to hire architects for our project.
Over the course of these past 2 years, a vast array of gifted, generous individuals contributed their time, talent and treasure to bring us to this holy place - where we can actually begin building this Fall, 2013.
Much will be asked of all of us - that we be ready to embrace building on the site as we occupy the current School, that we continue to be prayerful and generous in our giving in a concerted effort to do all we can to reduce the Parish's debt on this project, and that we offer our personal time and talent wherever we can. Soon, a new building will rise out of the ground - right on top of the original School/Church.
This Fall we can expect: ....
Final sign off by the City of Vanocuver
Tendering of the project and hiring a contractor
Significant changes to our actual property site
Changes to our School's schedule to accommodate construction, and
A tremendous amount of anticipation and excitement.
Over the course of the coming18-20 months, I'll do my best to communicate updates as they occur or in some case, to share what is coming next. We expect to share anecdotal stories, post pictures for those not living in Vancouver, while keeping our community of St. Augustine's aware of whatever will help to "spread the news" about this amazing project.
We ask that everyone ...
prays for the success of our new School
continues to be generous in their donations
consider ways in which you can offer your personal support.
Catherine Oberndorf, new blogger and Principal of St. Augustine School
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