Monday, 7 September 2015

Labour Day 2015

We've had a summer of intense activity both within our 'little old school' and on the construction site encompassing our 'school all bright and new'.  On all levels of effort, much care, commitment and generosity of time personifies the HUGE effort being made to open our new school.
In the past weeks, we've seen the 'back lane' on the WEST side of our property take on a whole new look.  The sidewalks are poured, the blacktop at the NORTH end of the land was laid, and the preparation work is almost complete for the SOUTH end of the lane. 
Over the coming month or so, as the old school is prepared for demolition, access to this area will not be possible as the office 'attachment' part of the building is demolished.
What we know is going to happen is that we are going to be in what I'm terming 'rolling changes' for a little while.  Caution, attentiveness to the presence of children will be core to a successful transition time.

Hopefully these photos will provide a visual representation of what has transpired - This is a most exciting time for all!

 Exterior stairs and landing which will lead to new gym entrance

 Washing the exterior brick on south wall

Looking at an outdoor walkway into our southeast facing stairwell and
adjoining childcare outdoor space