Wednesday, 26 February 2014

The digger was working hard today - it uprooted all our interior trees, chopped them up, pulled out part of the concrete wall, and dug some big holes!  A number of truckloads of wood, concrete and soil were removed from the site - and it's only the beginning of what is going to be weeks of excavation.

The children were so excited, and we are thrilled to watch all the activity...

Thursday, 20 February 2014

a second posting today... so exciting!

A news update from Yellowridge adds some site changes over the coming 3 days:
  • Friday: The Yellowridge's trailer will be moved onto the site
  • The City will be issuing our building permit
  • Monday: Construction commenses.
Although I was not at school today, word is that the 'digger' made a lot of headway today!

Right on time... 

The excavator was delivered to our school's site - and it created lots of excitement!

Monday, 17 February 2014

The first day of many to come...

Today marks our first day at school with our construction company, Yellowridge, occupying the vast majority of our school site!
Over the course of the coming 18 months, you can frequently turn to this BLOG to read about the most current news/updates/FYI's about "what's happening".

I'll be meeting with the project manager and construction team coordinator every two weeks to get updates - and these are today's first notifications:
  • an excavator will arrive later this week and remain on the site for the weeks it will take to remove the large amount of materials on the 7th Avenue portion of the site
  • Hydro will be connecting the company to a local transformer to provide adequate power to Yellowridge and its work on the site
  • parking will be significantly reduced on 7th Avenue as per the City of Vancouver's plan
  • Yellowridge will move a working trailer onto the site in the coming week, expecting to place it on the northeast segment of the site
Once the fencing is secured and permanently positioned on the blacktop, and we know the exact area that we will be left with, we will work to create maximum use of the space for the children.  I have met with each class to talk about how everyone must adjust the use of such a limited space - while encouraging children to get more physical exercise after school hours each day.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

After so many years...

Friday, February 7th, the City of Vancouver issued our Development permit, allowing us to advance forward on the awesome task of building our new school!
During that same week, we posted plans to host our "Blessing and Groundbreaking" ceremony for Sunday, Feburary 16, 3:00 PM on the field.
On Tuesday, February 11th, our contractors will be placing security fencing around the trees that surround our property, as required by the City.

Can you see how close we are... and how immensely grateful?

Please consider joining us on Sunday - and if distance or plans keep you away, please continue to pray for us - we know you are all going to be with us and we thank you!