After 3 weeks of our Fall Campaign...
When God's grace, our hard work and unearned opportunities combine to allow us to have all that is ours, we are profoundly challenged to ask, "What am I called to give away?"
What acts of compassion would allow us to be Jesus to others?
What gesture of forgiveness might open up the heart of a lost friend or family member?
What dedication of our time speaks of our love of our Church?
What charitable giving expresses my gratitude to St. Augustine's...
Making such "grown up" decisions gives our lives substantial meaning - and enriches the lives of others at the same time... Isn't that good? With over $186,000 commited toward our $500,000 2013 goal for our Fall Campaign, we prayerfully await the faithful financial support of many of our school parents, parishioners and dedicated donors. Pledge and donor forms can be found on our School's website, at the back of the Church each week, from the Parish or School office or you can download a printable pledge card here.