Saturday, 23 November 2013

After 3 weeks of our Fall Campaign...

When God's grace, our hard work and unearned opportunities combine to allow us to have all that is ours, we are profoundly challenged to ask, "What am I called to give away?"

What acts of compassion would allow us to be Jesus to others?

What gesture of forgiveness might open up the heart of a lost friend or family member?

What dedication of our time speaks of our love of our Church?

What charitable giving expresses my gratitude to St. Augustine's...

Making such "grown up" decisions gives our lives substantial meaning - and enriches the lives of others at the same time... Isn't that good?  With over $186,000 commited toward our $500,000 2013 goal for our Fall Campaign, we prayerfully await the faithful financial support of many of our school parents, parishioners and dedicated donors. Pledge and donor forms can be found on our School's website, at the back of the Church each week, from the Parish or School office or you can download a printable pledge card here.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

These past three weeks have been brim filled with moments of grace, gooodness, delight and expectation.

At School, we are quite literally watching as many of our students are meeting the high and challenging goals set before them - it's grace, determination, hard work and their part and the dedication of an amazing staff that combines to create meaningful success. So many parents and their children selflessly offered their time to our Fall Campaign in the 3 sets of weekend masses as they supported our efforts to be present,to name our huge need for financial support for our new building.... And every day, many volunteers continue to offer their time and talent to ensure that we have a new school at St. Augustine's by the Spring of 2015.

I'm certain that holding the tension of this expectant time is a further opportunity to be witness to God's grace as our project unfolds...

As a community of hope, we are so grateful to the new and returning donors who are helping us reach our very big goal of $500,000 for our 2013 Fall Campaign. As of November 20, $163,000 has been contributed by donors. Each contribution helps put the Parish in a better position to meet its financial responsibilities - and we are working to ensure that a growing number of parents and parishioners respond by contributing to this year's goal, by deciding to become part of the legacy that is St. Augustine's Parish School.

Won't you help, now? Our Parish needs you!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Our November School Liturgy was hosted today by our Grade 5 classs, and every element of our shared celebration spoke of reverence, honouring the tradition of Remembrance Day, and communicating the core virtue of PEACE:  peace in our heart, in our families, in our shared experiences with one another... just as Jesus calls us to be and do.

Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me...

Saturday, 2 November 2013

On the Eve of our Fall Campaign...

It's most fitting that our staff chose these "costumes" in anticipation of the building of our new school!

Please consider what you and your family might do to prayerfully and financially support this courageous endeavor.